
transportation officer معنى

transportation officer أمثلة على
  • موظف نقل


  1. Yeah, you're assistant chief transportation officer or something.
    أنت مدير مساعد أو ما شابه
  2. We got a number of DHS transportation officers with information concerning a warehouse in Los Angeles you were conducting some operation out of.
    ولدينا ضبّاط نقل من الأمن القوميّ لديهم معلومات مثيرة بخصوص مستودع في (لوس أنجلس) كنتَ تدير عمليّة سرّية منه

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. transportation infrastructure on the national register of historic places by state معنى
  2. transportation museums in indiana معنى
  3. transportation museums in the united states معنى
  4. transportation museums in the united states by state معنى
  5. transportation of the president of the united states معنى
  6. transportation on long island معنى
  7. transportation on the national register of historic places معنى
  8. transportation on the national register of historic places by state معنى
  9. transportation on the national register of historic places in california معنى
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